The GeneTalk project startet in July 2011. Peter Krawitz, human geneticist at Charite Berlin,
had the vision of a platform, where experts in human genetics from all over the world can
exchange their research results, discuss open questions and form cooperations for new projects.
Further, the platform should be a tool to filter NGS data and help in analyzing patient's data.
Tom Kamphans, computer scientist, liked the idea and started to work on the technical
implementiation of the platform. In October 2011, the first version of GeneTalk went online.
In 2012, GeneTalk was funded by a grand from the EU and the german ministry of economy and technology (EXIST).
Peter and Tom founded the company GeneTalk GmbH in August 2013.
Prof. Dr. Peter Krawitz (CEO/CRO)
Peter Krawitz studied Medicine and Physics at Ludwig Maximilians
University Munich and Technical University Munich. Before starting
with genetics, he worked at the Institute for Systemsbiology in
Seattle in the Smulevich lab on boolean networks and at the German
Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases in the Haass Lab on zebrafish
models. From 2009-2017 he was at the Institute for Medical Genetics and
Human Genetics at the University Hospital Charité, Berlin. His
research focus are now congenital GPI-anchor deficiencies as well as
efficient filtering techniques for next generation sequencing data.
Since 2017 he is head of the Institute for Genomic Statistics and Bioinformatics at University of Bonn, Germany.
He co-founded GeneTalk to enable everyone to analyze genomes!
Peter's papers.
Dr. Tom Kamphans (CEO/CTO)
Tom Kamphans studied Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the University of Dortmund.
After getting his Ph.D. in Computational Geometry from the University of Bonn, he spend three years as
postdoc at Braunschweig University of Technology.
Tom published about 50
papers about algorithms, computational
geometry, robot motion planning and optimization.
In 2011 he went to Berlin working as freelancing software developer and IT Consultant, lecturer, and co-founder of GeneTalk.

Peter and Tom founding GeneTalk